Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The North Lawndale Historical and Cultural Society can be accessed through several portals.  Please search Facebook groups for: North Lawndale Historical and Cultural Society.

Board Members:  Blanche Suggs-Killingsworth; John Wolf; Felicia Dawson, POAH; Peter Alter, Chicago History Museum; Linzie Harris, Harris Financial Services; Diane O'Dell, esquire; Jeanne Keller; Doretha Penn; Sangway Parker; Charles Leeks.

If you are interested in making contributions of photographs or other content, or if you are interested in joining the group, please contact Blanche Suggs-Killingsworth at Bsuggs@nhschicago.org.

1 comment:

  1. Recently prompted by a friend asking "what ever happened to that North Lawndale blog?" I felt compelled to post again. If you have ideas and suggestions, let me know. Pictures help!
